关于我们 |
AEGT 国际教育咨询公司成立于英国,专注于提供个性化的教育咨询服务。我们与英国领先的教育机构合作,确保为有意赴英学习的人士提供最佳建议。对学习和教育的热情激励着我们不断前行。
使命 |
愿景 |
价值观 |
Who We Are |
AEGT Consultancy offers personalized educational consultancy services in the United Kingdom. We aim to collaborate with leading educational institutions and agencies in the UK to ensure that we provide the best advice for those looking to study in the UK. Our passion for learning and education drives everything we do.
Mission |
Our mission is to bridge the educational landscapes of the UK and China, helping students reach their aspirations, explore global opportunities, and build trust through our comprehensive services.
Vison |
Our vision is to embrace corporate social responsibility and advance sustainable development. We aim to make a positive impact on society through our educational consultancy services.
Values |
Guided by our core values—Achievement, Exploration, Global, and Trust—we strive to inspire and support students on their educational journeys.